August 2018 – Leigh Smith

Ironmom of 2 beautiful kids, love pushing my body to the absolute limit and a professional procrastinator – especially when it comes to races. I am a triathlete at heart, the running thing is just one of the required disciplines.  I love this sport and love helping people get started and hooked! The dark side is the best side – right Charlene? I enjoy all 3 disciplines but really enjoy adding strength training to the mix. And yes, I’m always hungry. ALWAYS.

  1. How many years have you been in triathlon? 11 – that’s crazy!  
  2. How many years have you been apart of HEAT? At least 10, missing a couple years to have kids
  3. How did you get started in triathlon? I entered my first sprint as a dare from a couple of coworkers. Didn’t own a bike, zero swim technique, and “ran” some. We all did Cedars that summer and I was completely hooked! Did my first 2 sprints on a 50lb mountain bike I bought at Walmart. Took ol’ blue to ACME to swap out the stubbies for racing tires…I’m sure they laughed at me. I thought I was sooo cool – doing a triathlon. I miss that store!
  4. What is your favorite discipline?  Bike
  5. What distances have you competed in?
    • Sprint
    • Intermediate  
    • 70.3  
    • 140.6
  6. What has been your favorite race?  IMLou by far – it was one of the best days of my life! Met some amazing people throughout training and had the best sherpa crew anyone could ask for – it was a truly amazing experience. Never ever thought I could do a full – especially with my schedule
  7. What is your go-to nutritional product for training/racing? Gu and gels can only get me so far. I like to eat – a lot – and real food. I’m a huge fan of uncrustables and those waffles. Huma gels are my go-to for marathons. Strawberry is the best – tastes like jelly!
  8. What serves as your motivation to keep going when the training or the race seems too hard? Everyone has bad days and bad workouts – it’s inevitable. It’s the getting back up – that’s what matters. I’ve DNF’d, I’ve quit workouts, I’ve cried, bled, screamed, cursed (probably too much), but I kept going. You keep going because you have goals – scary goals – but that sweet taste of accomplishment and achievement is worth every minute of pain and frustration. And my babies – they’re always watching – I want to make them proud
  9. What does your normal training week look like?                            Normal? What’s that??? I have a demanding job, work travel, and 2 small children – there is no normal training week. I cram it in when I can. I typically try and do something every single day though – mostly running and weight training. I panic train right before an event throwing in swimming and biking when I can. Lots of early, early mornings, late nights, and quality time spent on the trainer in my garage. Also very blessed to have a great gym on site at work.
  10. What is your first thought after finishing a triathlon? That was the most fun ever! What are we doing next???
    Keep in mind, 3 miles or minutes before finishing the thoughts are quite different “why in the world are we doing this? we actually paid to be in pain. this is dumb”

Swim. Bike. Run. Eat. Sleep. Repeat